Power of Veto#1 - Bumpuzzled
A Players: James, Renny, Ryan, Glyn, Richard, Sheila
B Players: Grace, Shahbaz, Susie, Grace's Choice, Aisleyne, Natalie
Overview: Tonight, you will have a 4x4 puzzle. You must successfully unscramble the puzzle in your confessional forum
You can use this thread to ask any questions ahead of time. There will be a separate challenge thread posted here when the challenge begins.
When you reply to that thread, YOUR TIME STARTS. your time ends when you correctly post the completed puzzle
The person to finish the fastest will win the Power of Veto and have the power to veto one of their Head of Household's nominees should they choose to do so. Finishing times will be made public.
- You must post your finished puzzle in your Diary Room.
- You cannot help your housemates with the challenge, it is individual.
- You must use the original image tags to solve the puzzle when reassembling.
Time Limit: Challenge will end at
7:30e/6:30c sharp Sunday, May 2nd. Results to be announced shortly afterwards. If all of the puzzles are in sooner, I'll announce the results earlier.
After results are posted, the divide will end and you will be able to speak freely with all of your fellow houseguests, regardless of group. This will happen tomorrow night at 8e/7c. Check back in at the results tomorrow for a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT about the eviction.
Eviction will take place on Monday. It will take place at 8:00c/9:00e, voting will be due at
9:20e/8:20c. The second Head of Household comepetition will begin then.