-- 8th Place - Juror #4 --
By BB Delta
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Wow! What a whirlwind two days. :dizzy:

CONGRATS ON JURY!!! :pop: :party: You have made it to the final stage of this game. From here on out, everything counts, and the people you vote out will need to be impressed by your game in order for you to win.

1. Chelsia and Shahbaz are evicted back to back with a Prisoner's Dilemma in the mix. Were you shocked by some players' answers in the Prisoner's Dilemma? What was your reaction to seeing two large targets in Shahbaz and Chelsia go in one night? Was this the ideal outcome for you?

2. Tonight was a full day of events with HoH through Eviction in one night. Were you pleased to see James win Head of Household?

3. What was your reaction to the initial nominations of Richard and Susie? When you won Veto, what went into your decision to veto Susie, and were you shocked by James's Renomination of Glyn?

4. How do the past day's events change the game, and are you beginning to look at things beyond the surface level? As an individual game, are you playing the best to make the end and win, or are you playing to what the house wants?

5. Finally, with the jury beginning, how can you set yourself apart from your competitors in order to win? The house is dramatically shrinking in size, there is no longer any place to hide. Who do you see as your biggest threats, and who is sneaking under the radar, potentially taking up space in the endgame?
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BB Delta

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By Adam
Wow what an incredible couple of rounds, mega7 has seated itself firmly in a place for victory.

1) to see my number two targets go home immediately after being nominated? I feel elated. Absolutely blessed. Things have gone my way. The prisoners dilemma was amazing, i fucking loved it. Chelsia didn't know it but as soon as our 30 minutes started, her fate was sealed. She was a big target, bigger than me.

2)James is my boy. I have a final two with him, I plan to stay close until the house wants his head. It's inevitable that his snakeish charm gets him caught up and evicted, I'll turn on him then. Either way, when he said "you did good work last round, you're safe this round" oh man it all felt right.

3) I kept telling people all round that I don't have any targets anymore. Spiral nominated me but he didn't come after me. For james to take the initiative on removing the only group A member not in mega7, I was 100% for it. Blood on his hands not mine. Susie I wasn't worried about as long as she was the pawn, mega7 controls the votes there's no surprise evictions anymore.

4) so far I have run the house. Sezer and Amanda's hoh's were not important, but the following ones have been crucial. I've had a hand in all of them. My veto wins are making a case for my jury speech. I'm winning this game.

5) everyone in mega7 will say I created it. I didn't name it, I try not to lead it, I want everyone to feel like it's theirs as much as it is mine. I'm 100% loyal to it till the final 7, but I am to blame for their success. That's enough to win it, but I'm stacking my comp wins now just in case.
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By BB Alpha
Adam, when you are ready, please make your nominations in this thread with reasoning for your decisions.

We're making an animated reveal of the nomination ceremony. Revealing key-by-key who is safe.

Please specify the order in which you'd like keys revealed as well as a speech stating why you nominated each person that will be revealed at the end of the ceremony.

This is due tomorrow (Saturday) at 9e/8c. Good luck!

BB Alpha

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By Adam
I nominate aisleyne and Parker

Parker you're a threat to me in this game, it's nothing personal but I don't think I can save someone who has been gunning for me so hard.

Aisleyne you're just a number against me, if the situation was different we could have made something work. I'm sorry, but this is how it has to be.

First key make it Susie
Then james


  • Jury
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By Adam
Here is how my end game plan has been set. I am loyal to mega7 to a fault, i see it shaking and i think duct tape is the fix. I have solidified an interior alliance within the 7 with Amanda, Sezer, and Glyn. These guys are going to be who i duck into cover with if mega7 fails (spoiler: it doesnt.)

Immediately after winning the power, Spiral is in my ear. "parker doesnt want after you" he says, but i've heard differently from just about everyone. Spiral is a great social player he will never end a conversation negatively, and i tried to make a deal with him. Him Parker with James and I. It fell through. So i pivot, grab my girl susie and tell her we need some numbers. End of the day and we have formed a new alliance.

The five finger discount. Me, jen, jennie, james, susie. Together we will...... Not do much. I'm mainly just hoping that it lasts for a week and i can get back into competing for the HoH. I hope it works..... i doubt it will.

The real alliance to watch is Amanda, sezer, glyn and I. I'm hoping we can be the duct tape to fix this crumbling alliance. Mega7 is the best bet for everyone involved after this eviction. Once parker or aisleyne goes home, spiral has no one. The only way i go home is if one of my alliance members turns on me. If this happens then i can publicly call them out as a liar and untrustrworthy. I dont think anyone left can survive the shahbaz role. Im gunning for their head after i win another veto.


  • Jury
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