By Loveita Adams
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Hey Houseguest! I hope you’re settling in nicely. Big Brother isn’t messing around, huh? :mindblown: Not just the largest cast Isolated has seen yet, but also a few different twists to kick off the season! So, let’s probe your brain some. I’ve got some questions.

1. First of all – Espionage! The theme of the season! One where our avid viewers will be influencing the game more than any before. What are your thoughts on the season’s main twist? As a refresher, our viewers will be selecting one house guest each round to be our spy! The spy gets a secret mission…but there’s always a risk involved. Worth it? Or nah?

2-Tell us about the housemates in your group! Who do you love? Who do you hate? Who are you indifferent about?

3-The first HOH competition asked you to choose which players in your group you did not want to have power. Walk us through your thought process! Were you working towards a specific goal? Did you make any deals? And are you happy with the outcome?

4- BONUS! The spy picked YOU to be immune for the first around! Do you plan to use that to your advantage at all? Do you know why you were chosen?

Loveita Adams

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By Amanda
1. Wow, what an exciting twist. I love the mysteriousness of the spy. What's concerning is the possible disadvantages by getting it. If I had the opportunity to do the secret mission I 100% would risk it!

2. The first few people I clicked with were Adam & Glynn. I love Adam's crazy personality, but it definitely got him in trouble in the group chat. He was trying to see if people would just throw him the HOH, and other housemates were not happy about it. Glynn on the other end, he was the only person to reach out to me directly. I do feel like I have a stronger bond with Glynn. Jennie is also someone I have bonded with in this game. Right now the person who I'm not a huge fan of is Sheila. She didn't really try to talk game at all, and actually took my man Glynn out of the competition. I made a bond with James at the start, I actually told Adam and Glyn that I only trusted him so much. Like I think he's loyal but he was giving off some weird vibes to me for some reason.

3. I didn't make any deals since I was immune. I did not want Sheila or Richard to have power. I didn't build enough of a social or game bond with them to feel comfortable with their nominations. I honestly took Sheila out of the comp because she was the only one I really didn't have a relationship with. Before the HOH even started I was trying to make deals and build relationships with other players. I agreed to a final 2 with Adam, and basically made a final 3 with Adam and Glynn. James was someone I first reached out to, and we both made it apparent we would watch each others backs. I did this same thing with Rich as well securing safety with him. I made a personal relationship with Sezer so I honestly feel somewhat okay if he's in power. I did this same thing with Jennie, and I would honestly feel safe if she was in power as well. Sheila was really the only one I had no agreement with. I am content with the outcome because I feel like I could possibly sway the HOH my way. Everyone wants Adam out, I'm trying to position to James that Adam is our shield and a bigger target going into the next round. Ideally I would like to pick off Shiela or Richard this eviction.

4. OH MY GOSH. My jaw literally dropped when I read that announcement. I knew that I was reaching out to everyone trying to create these relationships, and that was my main priority before this HOH competition. I had no idea that the spy would get to keep someone safe, but this twist fit perfectly in my plan. I will continue to play dumb and act like I don't know who the spy is so I can use this piece of information if I need to later. I honestly thought it was Adam or Glynn but I was shocked to find out it was James. The fact that I was the first person to reach out to him and that's what made him save me is just wild.
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