By BB Delta
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Wow! What a whirlwind two days. :dizzy:

CONGRATS ON JURY!!! :pop: :party: You have made it to the final stage of this game. From here on out, everything counts, and the people you vote out will need to be impressed by your game in order for you to win.

1. Chelsia and Shahbaz are evicted back to back with a Prisoner's Dilemma in the mix. Were you shocked by some players' answers in the Prisoner's Dilemma? What was your reaction to seeing two large targets in Shahbaz and Chelsia go in one night? Was this the ideal outcome for you?

2. Tonight was a full day of events with HoH through Eviction in one night. Were you pleased to see James win Head of Household?

3. What was your reaction to the initial nominations of Richard and Susie? When Adam won Veto, what was your reaction to his decision to veto Susie, and were you shocked by James's Renomination of Glyn?

4. How do the past day's events change the game, and are you beginning to look at things beyond the surface level? As an individual game, are you playing the best to make the end and win, or are you playing to what the house wants?

5. Finally, with the jury beginning, how can you set yourself apart from your competitors in order to win? The house is dramatically shrinking in size, there is no longer any place to hide. Who do you see as your biggest threats, and who is sneaking under the radar, potentially taking up space in the endgame? ​

BB Delta

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By Spiral
1. I admit I was not shocked by either chelsia or shahbaz getting evicted. Shahbaz going was not ideal but also wasn't a huge part of my puzzle either. Chelsia going was bad at first, but the way she treated us on the way out and apparently spread lies about me makes me feel better about her going. The dilemma did not shock me, I figured Adam and chelsia betray each other cause everyone wanted her gone. Amanda betraying me hurt but I half expected it.

2. James winning hoh was initially a good thing. I knew he had his own agendas, but I also knew me Parker and aisleyne were unlikely to be nominated which was priority number 1.

3. When I saw Susie and Richard go up, I just thought James was targeting susie and was worried sheila would get evicted so he used Richard as a pawn cause who would vote Richard? But Richard not knowing he was going up was confusing me. When Adam won veto and used it on susie, I was shocked, and a bit scared we were about to see a backdoor. And then Glyn went up, beside Richard, and it just felt like the whole house collapsed. Every single person I spoke to except James was so damn confused and distraught about voting either dude out. I suppose that is what made Richard dangerous but he was on my side so it was definitely not ideal.

4. Last night's stunt did exactly what I've been wanting to see in a way, see group A start to turn on each other and not just target Group B. Now everyone has attention on James and Adam and its opening avenues for the B3 alliance to strengthen our relationships with people like Glyn and Amanda amid the chaos. It also gives us the option of supporting James and Adam if we wanted to do that, or were forced into it. Essentially we are no longer on everyone's radar. As for my individual game, I am continuing to do what Spiral does best. I am keeping my social game intact and trying to stay on good terms with everyone, such that despite who wins hoh, I will be in a good spot. And like we saw with Richard, if you're a kind person to everyone, no one will want to evict you or nominate you.

5. How can I set myself apart? By being everyone's friend and ally. I have to get them to cannibalize each other, avoid the cross fire, then swoop in and dominate the end game. I also need to make sure Parker and aisleyne stay around too, I know I 100% have their trust no matter what. The biggest threats to me right now are probably Adam and Sheila. Both I've failed to really connect with. Sheila is definitely sliding under the radar and I think she'll go as an easy vote sometimes soon. She just feels like such an afterthought and is kinda forgotten about.


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