I’m not even sure what number confessional this is... 13? Either way let’s get it rolling.
I can’t help but start by saying that the fact that I WON HOH LMFAOO.
The excitement I felt when won that challenge was honestly not comparable. I’ve been wanting to win a competition so bad but I’d keep getting frustrated because I would constantly lose. Especially after my week from hell last week with Susie where I was basically a goner, to come back and win this week is just insane. This was the most imperative HOH and if I didn’t pull out this win I’m sure I’d be right back on the block. I’m using this HOH to ensure my safety and make it to the end of the game. I’m not sure how threatening people find me to be but either way I need to make it to the end. I’ll come back to more of my HOH thoughts later but I just wanted to get that out of the way.
Sezer quitting the game was extremely bitter sweet. I’m sad because Sezer I did really like and I think we had a good bond.
I didn’t envision him voting me out anytime soon so I was hoping to use that number to my advantage. When James admitted they had a final 2 I was not even surprised because I’ve been saying the start of the game time and time again, them two have something going on I know it; low and behold I was right! This final two and that I have one less person in between me and the finale is why I’m happy to see him go.
However, the feeling I have the most is just anger. I’m sad because I feel like our season is just going to be defined by the countless removals and quits we had.
If he wanted to quit the game so bad over a vote he messed up on, why didn’t he just wait to be nominated and then voted out that way. It made me lose a lot of respect for him because so many people like Shahbaz, Chelsia, Parker, all people who I wanted out in the game, deserve to be here more than someone who throws it away. That’s no fun for anyone else too because I think everyone wants to make it to the finale and feel like they worked for it and all these quits is just taking away from everyone’s game. I wasn’t thrilled that he did that but like I said, one less person to worry about.
Sheilas vote I basically had to go through hell to ensure that it worked out in the end. I didn’t go through hell to get Sheila eliminated but I went through hell to ensure it wasn’t me who stayed on the block against Amanda. Susie nominating me and Amanda was a complete defeat. I talked about this in detail in my last confessional but basically Spiral taking me off single handedly saved my game. I was toast if I stayed against Amanda so I’m feeling incredibly grateful.
Amanda against Sheila was basically an easy vote off. Sheila was really just coasting in the game she wasn’t doing anything to impact it at all. This is exactly what I said to people during the Shahbaz vote she can be easily taken out at anytime. I think it was unanimous because everyone really likes Amanda and because she’s more motivated to play than Sheila.
Just goes to tell you that inactivity causes you to get eliminated more than people wanting to keep you around.
I loved the HOH competition those are my favorite types of comps. It’s fun to see where everyone’s head is at it’s like playing most likely to with your friends.
I wasn’t really surprised by any of the results except for Spiral being the most likely to win. That one threw me off as he was not even in the realm of people I considered. I just feel like Spiral has been playing a very safe game and has not done anything to really impact the season. He unwillingly took out Shahbaz even though he wanted Sheila to go home which I guess would be his biggest move. I just think he’s been playing safe and yes group B does love him, but I feel like the people we are gonna play with are gonna reward the best game. That’s why I’m shocked a lot of people didn’t say Adam because he truly is playing a great game. Adam or even James is also playing a great game; it just threw me off. Maybe everyone’s gonna be more bitter on the jury than I think but I just didn’t get it? I must say though I was stoked people gave me the one they would trust their game with.
It makes me really confident in my social game and does give me a little security in where I rank amongst everyone. I hope people don’t view that as a reason to target me.
This next week I’m gonna be focusing on fostering these important social relationships and making sure the biggest threats go home.
With me winning HOH, Susie or preferably Adam have to go home this week. We cannot keep a duo in this game let alone a powerful physical duo who will beat us in all the competitions. If Adam doesn’t go home this week then I’m royally screwed. Taking out Adam is my big push to score a big move under my belt for my end game resume. I made sure with everyone who I didn’t nominate they would keep me safe if they won HOH. If I’m making a replacement nominee it will most likely be Jen because im least afraid of her winning a competition to retarget me.
I just need to ensure that my social relationships hold up and that if I do end up on the block again everyone will keep me safe until the final 3.
I do wish all the time Richard was still in the game. He was my best bud I loved talking to him I feel like we weirdly had some funny things in common. I miss our conversations because I knew without a doubt he would tell me all the information he gathered.
That being said lmfao Richard do not shoot me but as of me writing this, it may be good Richards not in the game. He was inevitably gonna be a threat and though I would never vote him out it’s one less person I have to worry about beating me in the end. I’m not gonna give James the benefit of the doubt of thinking that I liked Richard being out of the game more than him being in the game, but I will admit I feel like it’s helped me in a lot of ways. It helped me build deeper bonds and portray how “alone” i am in the game.
I want to win this season so bad I have the drive and the passion to win it more than people even realize.
This game has entered in my dreams when I sleep lmfao like it’s all I’m constantly thinking about. Whenever I get a chance I’m checking to see what’s going on and I’m constantly gaming. I want to make it to end and really prove to the jury and kinda myself why I deserve to win it. We’re so close that I can taste it so BB gods be with me tonight to ensure Adam does not win the POV this evening. If he does then let’s make sure Susie goes home lmfao.
Until a hopeful Adam eviction and me enjoying my last moments of HOH safety, I’ll be in touch lmaoo.