-- 6th Place - Juror #6 --
By BB Alpha
This was a very eventful round with two people leaving! :unabused:

1. Last night, Sezer quit the game. How do you feel about those events?

2. Sheila was evicted in a unanimous vote tonight. Walk us through the vote.

3. Tonight's competition involved you assigning your fellow houseguests titles such as "Biggest Gossip." Did any of the answers for those questions surprise you? Did any of them that you did or didn't get upset you?

4. We're a little over a week away from the end of the game and still at 9 people. How do you see yourself making through this next hectic week?

5. Is there anyone who has been evicted that you wish was still here? Who and why? ​

BB Alpha

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By Jennie
1. Sezer leaving was actually quite bad for me. He was one of the few people I think I would have been able to beat so him leaving put a wrench in things. And now I'm worried about the big threats teaming up.

2. So essentially Amanda and Glyn went up against each other. I think a lot of people were planning on using the veto should they win it but eventually Glyn gets taken down. Which was fine with my since I would have kept him over Amanda. But once Glyn is down Susie nominated Sheila for being the only person not in an alliance with her from what I gathered. I'm not sure Susie is quite as devious as Adam. I think Adam would have still gone for blood. Anyways, Sheila wasn't the most social person here so she was an easy boot, especially because people didn't want her to take their potential spot in the final 3. Which is where I'm in a bad situation now because that could easily happen to me.

3. Eh not really, the biggest surprise to me was James and Amanda being the answers for "thinks they're in control but they're not" because while I know they're targets I do think they're sitting relatively decent for the next round or two. Everyone else I could see how they would be the answer. I ended up being none of the answers which is fine I guess. It doesn't paint a target on me and all it shows me is I need to ramp up my game but I already knew that. So right now I'm going to use it to my favor, if people want me around because I'm not a threat and just a number then that's A OK because at least I'll be in on the plans to get people out. And hopefully have some say in it.

4. I think that I need to start getting out the threats. That means Adam needs to go, James, Amanda and Glyn. Who are coincidentally the three I've been working the most closely with. So right now the plan is obviously to try and win if I can. If I can't then I work with Jen and Aisleyne to shape the votes the way I need them to go. I need to win HoH or veto at at least some point but tbh I don't want to be the one getting my hands dirty for all of it. I can plant ideas in people's heads but me personally being the noticeable leader in orchestrating those could land me in hot water. Idk it's a fine line and I'm going to take it round by round.

5. Parker because theoretically he wouldn't have gone and I think I'd be able to make more things happen if he were still here. Also he was a good shield.


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By Jennie
Right now I am trying my best to placate Adam. I told him I'd vote to keep Susie if Amanda and James did not to get him to leave me alone like I told them, but because I knew they weren't going to do it. And it seems like he has be marked as a more emotional player. So if I make him that promise he's not going to blame me considering Amanda and James straight told him they wouldn't do it. Now, those guys and Glyn are going to get a target meanwhile I'm going to be the person he turns to if he needs votes because he thinks I can be turned by an emotional plea. And I'm trying to at least be open about making the promise to the others so I don't get labeled as working behind their backs. The strat right now is to just be what everyone wants. Adam wants someone to have his back? Sure that's me! James and Spiral want someone to talk strategic with? Me. Glyn wants someone to make fun of? Me. I'm also trying to buddy up with Aisleyne since I need to work more closely with her to get out the threats.

So yeah, this isn't going to work forever and I'm going to get blood on my hands, but if I sit back and stoke the fires and pit them all against each other then that's perfect for me.

Also if Adam doesn't leave soon I'm going to go literally insane. I can't stand him, I can't stand working with him and if I have to keep pretending much longer I might lose it.
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By Jennie
I wanna go back to the post I made about how I can't stop working with people just because they pissed me off once and talk about how it makes me a FUCKING NAIVE IDIOT. I should have went with my gut and not tried to be the bigger person. Anyways like 95% sure there's no way I win the game now so that's fun. I'm just taking out my frustrations at this point.

Also I feel like James is being super condescending when he talks to me and completely not understanding that you can't constantly betray people and expect them to still love you and want to work with you. Like I literally cried when he did that cause I felt so guilty and I know I shouldn't have because I really had no way of knowing and at least Spiral stayed. But like, I'm obviously upset and he's going to tell me that him "not putting me up out of the kindness of his heart" is a reason to work with him???? I said that fucking sarcastically. That's fucking insulting and I'm not going to be his fucking pawn who just does whatever he wants to not get put up. Fuck him.


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