-- 6th Place - Juror #6 --
By Jennie
I keep having things to say and nowhere to put them so they are going in here.

Adam is in denial about Mega7 not being the total powerhouse he thought it was. Like I don't know how many times I have to tell him "yeah Mega7 meant nothing to me and the other's weren't even giant fans of it either" before he gets the hint. I straight up nominated him and James and he knew everyone wanted him out beforehand yet apparently we were still devoted to mega7.

Amanda like really pissed me off with her attacking James. Like first of all don't be mad that he also had multiple alliances when you had god knows how many final 2's. Second of all, don't just assume you know how the jury feels. Thirdly, awful bold to basically announce your goal is to make sure he doesn't win. Maybe focus on building up your own game instead of just ripping on James for betraying people. I also didn't appreciate her throwing in my allegiances and being like "bet you didn't know Jennie was with me from day 3". Like how about we leave who Jennie was close with and who Jennie wanted to work with to JENNIE. Like I wasn't going to sit next to either of them at the end so if anything that makes you look silly.
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By Jennie
More rants! So I feel like people are just pissed at James for burning them and they won't even acknowledge that he played a good game. Like, I get being mad but admit you don't want to vote for him because you were mad and stop saying he had absolutely no strategy. Spiral is going to throw away his vote to Parker when I think it's clear that most of the jury doesn't think Parker deserves it.

So anyways I'll be James' biggest cheerleader because I do think he deserves it. He was public enemy #1 and they can't pretend that they would bring him to the end to win against because literally all of them said that he needed to go. And they just didn't have the chance to take him out. Like if I were against James in the end I would have the same fucking stance.

Also if Adam were able to put together a coherent thought that would be great. Instead of "Glyn burned me I'm not voting for him". Like homie...in what way, shape or form does that actively contribute to the discussion besides solidifying that you're a sore loser. ANyways, my vote's going to be between James and Glyn most likely and I hope James absolutely kills it and shuts the jury up.
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By Jennie
For my jury questions:

James is to get insight on his game because like even in his speech I was the only person he was apologizing to for messing up our relationship. Which is of course part pandering for my vote which won't work, though I was leaning towards anyways. But I'm genuinely curious why he just neglected social game and consequences with the other players.

Glyn I'm genuinely curious what he told me was a lie and whether or not I believed it or if it were something I was coming to the conclusion to already. If you used me in the game and lied to me then that's fine I'll accept being a pawn but he's going to need to prove it beyond saying "I told you lies and you believed them" since he doesn't know if I believed him. I will be cross-referencing his answers with my DR to conclude whether or not he was truly as influential as he says. Also to avoid bias since I do want James to win.

Parker tbh I just want to know if he was self-aware or not because I really do think he made a mistake in voting out me over Amanda. And Spiral saying it was because Spiral told him to get rid of me just further solidified it. From my perspective he played other people's games and when he had the chance to make a move he didn't. Amanda would have beat him hands down and as it is, I really don't think he's getting votes here.


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By Jennie

James better deliver or Glyn just won my vote
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By Jennie
The fact that both other finalists are focusing on why James shouldn't win is turning me off to them. But whatever, that's their strategy going into this. The one thing I'm not going to be alright with them doing though is misrepresenting me. If you're going to use me as an example of why James shouldn't win, best be sure you're correct about what you're saying. And Glyn knew I had wanted Amanda gone over AIs so saying I didn't want them split up ever as a result of James is false.


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By Jennie
For Glyn and Parker if y’all read this. I think you all played good games and you’ll be able to see my thought process. My vote really came down to Glyn vs. James and Glyn although you did impress me with parts of your speech I couldn’t ignore the fact that a good portion of your arguments were why James shouldn’t win as opposed to why YOU should. I feel James was able to do the best with the circumstances he found himself in. You can’t fault someone for winning comps when that’s all they could do to survive at that point.

James, win or lose I think you played a great game, congrats!
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By James
Jennie wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 2:39:44 pm For Glyn and Parker if y’all read this. I think you all played good games and you’ll be able to see my thought process. My vote really came down to Glyn vs. James and Glyn although you did impress me with parts of your speech I couldn’t ignore the fact that a good portion of your arguments were why James shouldn’t win as opposed to why YOU should. I feel James was able to do the best with the circumstances he found himself in. You can’t fault someone for winning comps when that’s all they could do to survive at that point.

James, win or lose I think you played a great game, congrats!
I'm printing this out an putting it on my wall. Thanks Jennie!
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