By BB Theta
Custom Group Group Group Custom Custom Group
:clap: :beer: You did it!! :party: :confetti:

Congratulations on making it past the First eviCtion! Even If it was just us taking out the trash. :pop:

From here on out, the game will only ramp up mOre and more! The double nomination set leD us to our merge. Only 18 housegUests remain and the paRty is as big as ever! Now that we've had our first round, let's chat and sEe where your heads are at. The viewers are dying to know everything about you!

1. You now Get to talk to evEryone from the other group. What do you think of thoSe houseguesTs that you weren't able to talk to before? WHo do you like? What do you think their dynaMics were like? How do you thInk it'll impact your game going forward?

2. In a surprise turn of events, we have lost both Renny and Ryan, while Spiral and Shahbaz were spared. How do you feel about losing Renny and Ryan? How do you feel unexpectedly having both Spiral and Shabaz around will change the game?

3. Big Brother is a social game, who do you find yourself closest to? Who don't you trust? Who do you want to get to know more? We love to hear your thoughts on the rest of the houseguests, please tell us everything!

4. We have spies, we have love, and we have liars in the house, who do you find most threatening to you and why?

5. How do you feel about your performance in the Head of Household challenge? Do you think you held your own? What was your strategy going into it?

BB Theta

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By Parker
1. Group A has been awesome to talk to! I think with the amount of inactive players they had on their side, there weren't many alliances and such and everyone was just chatting away since the inactive were going up on the block. I love talking with all of them so I definitely see myself working with some of them heading deeper into the game, especially Glyn, Jennie and Amanda. Richard and James are super nice as well. Although James has already been opening his mouth when he wasn't supposed to.

2. They were inactive players so I was hoping they would get booted. Susie's HOH was kind of wasted however. Shahbaz is still gonna be going wild with his shenanigans so that's gonna be something to look out for. The good thing however with both Renny and Ryan gone is that we officially have numbers over Group A if we decide to adopt an "us vs them" mentality. Grace will more than likely flip to the other side however as she hates us all because Susie put her up. Yes, somehow that makes sense to her.

3. The Final Four Alliance is myself, Nat, Aisleyne and Chelsia. Chelsia won HOH so this is going to be a chill week i think. Susie is also someone I've worked closely with, bouncing ideas off each other in regards to her noms. Like mentioned above, Glyn, Jennie and Amanda are amazing people and so are Richard and James, albeit I don't see myself working with the last two as much. Several is cool to talk to and the fact that he comes from Chile makes it even more cool! We haven't talked game at all yet though. Spiral is definitely my bro in this game. We got each other's backs. Adam, Sheila, Jen and Pete are kind of non factors to me right now. I haven't talked much with them and I don't feel like they have much of an impact on my game. Albeit Sheila did smoke everyone in the POV so it might be someone to look out for. Lastly, at the bottom of this social pyramid we have Grace and Shahbaz. Grace has just been cold to me and I think the feeling is mutual after her POV speech. Shahbaz... well he just can't be trusted. He's a perpetual lying machine and the plans he comes up with are purely delusional. Regardless, it's BB. They're all expendable.

4. If I had to pick a threat, possibly Sheila? It's still too early for me to worry about Chelsia. But I believe she might be at the bottom of this 4 person alliance right now anyways due to the mysterious group chat being created with her name in it. But it could also just be a setup due to how stupid it is to put your name in the group chat name. I don't think Chelsia would slip like that. I still have no leads whatsoever on the couple either.

5. Well I was definitely quick. I got second place on the first round and probably another or so. But for some reason my images weren't loading in. At least I didn't embarrass myself as much as some people with the text/image tags physically showing up in their posts haha!


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