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Episode 01: Undercover Big Brother!

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:19:27 pm
by BB Zeta
Hey Houseguests! I hope you’re settling in nicely. Big Brother isn’t messing around, huh? :mindblown: Not just the largest cast Isolated has seen yet, but also a few different twists to kick off the season! So, let’s probe your brain some. I’ve got some questions.

1. First of all – Espionage! The theme of the season! One where our avid viewers will be influencing the game more than any before. What are your thoughts on the season’s main twist? As a refresher, our viewers will be selecting one house guest each round to be our spy! The spy gets a secret mission…but there’s always a risk involved. Worth it? Or nah?

2-Tell us about the housemates in your group! Who do you love? Who do you hate? Who are you indifferent about?

3-The first HOH competition asked you to choose which players in your group you did not want to have power. Walk us through your thought process! Were you working towards a specific goal? Did you make any deals? And are you happy with the outcome?

Re: Episode 01: Undercover Big Brother!

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:11:52 pm
by Sezer
It's been interesting so far, people are playing HARD right off the bat

My strategy paid off, I knew I had to talk to James, Adam, Richard and Jennie from my group, based on my pre game observations about posts and likes.

So I basically ignored everyone else at first and got to work.. James was the first on my list and he was very receptive too, so I spent most of my time with him. I introduced myself to everyone else too, I didn't even recognize who I was talking to, because all convos are basically the same and you just have to get it done.. seem likeable and interested in getting to know them...

So what comes next surprises me... James says him and Glyn want an alliance with me.. Of course I told him I was in! although I have to say Glyn had not made the best impression on me.. I thought he was kind of weird and fake on the questions he was asking me.. but I had no choice so I had to say yes!

Adam and I talked about work and family, we have some things in common.. or so he thinks.. I'm telling everyone I work in family business but I'm actually a lawyer.. I don't like hiding it but I feel like I need to right? He is a very deep guy, but also a little akward, I mean him asking to be the HOH on the group chat was like.. are you serious? Who does that. If he gets evicted that would be fine with me, although I actually like him from the talks we have had.

On the challenge, I decided to eliminate Richard, which was hard because I actually like him a lot and I feel we can connect, I had also talked to him more than Jennie, but he told me he had not talked to Jennie, so if I took him out I knew he would give James the HOH..

James tells me he is the spy, which makes me think his likes pre game had to do with that, so Natalie is probably the spy on the other team.
I don't think his mission was just to give someone immunity though, I think it was either to create a certain amount of alliances, or to get HOH. I hope it's not that, because I would like our alliance to be real..

I know he is a player though, he was voted the spy and also gave Amanda immunity, and Richard gave him the HOH, so nothing would surprise me really.. I had to show loyalty to him and so I did.

I continued to talk to Glyn, and I actually liked him better, so that's a relief

Renny and Ryan are nowhere to be seen

Amanda and Jennie I talked to but nothing special

Richard is a fellow simmer, so I think I can connect with him through that

I actually wanted HOH, you are never safe, so it was something I was hoping I'd get. I feel like I should be safe.. It would be too risky for James to create an alliance and trash it week one, and then expose himself as a player and untrustworthy, so I should be good.

Re: Episode 01: Undercover Big Brother!

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:11:59 am
by BB Delta
Killin it. You're my winner pick!

Re: Episode 01: Undercover Big Brother!

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:13:20 am
by Sezer
Lol, you say that to everyone? I shouldn't be anyone's winner pick tbh. I don't have the patience to actually win.. maybe on a 14 person cast. I'll also say one of my weak points is that I'm actually more loyal than I would like to be. AND with this spy twist, I'm worried someone will be able to see my audition answers, I don't remember what I said but it's probably revealing.

Re: Episode 01: Undercover Big Brother!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 12:12:11 am
by Sezer
From my group Richard has gotten a lot of likes this last couple of days, I'm working on my relationship with him right now, so if he gets the spy power, it doesn't hurt me. I'd assume some people will be looking at this things too, so i think it will play a big part in this game, at least in my strategy as long as there are public votes.

I definitely think some of the group chats are real, some are fake.. I do think there are more alliances in my group than just me, Glyn and James.. Adam is kind of asking me for an alliance so he probably doesn't have any yet, but Richard is becoming popular, he must be doing something right, something sneaky.. I like the guy for now so it's fine, as long as he's not trashing all of us, right? ;)

You just never know how people are playing... James has it easy.. evict either Renny or Ryan. But he could also be thinking those people will probably get kicked off the show for not showing up, so a bigger move would be better, at least I would be thinking that, or heavily considering it. If he's a big moves kind of guy, I doubt he will settle for R or R... his mission could even be to actually evict a certain houseguest, like the least popular one, now that would be a good twist unless that person is me obviously.

I'm trying to be a different person to different people. I want to be Glyn's voice of reason, we are the older guys, let's be mature. For James I'm trying to be his partner in crime, I want him to trust me if he's thirsty to play the game hard... For Richard, right now I'm being childish, but I still don't get his vibe. For the girls I wanna be the flirt and the good guy, they should dig that.

The personalities are very unique, it almost feels like whoever did casting wanted this to be an explosive season.... :bomb: