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Episode 01: Undercover Big Brother!

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:18:28 pm
by BB Zeta
Hey Houseguests! I hope you’re settling in nicely. Big Brother isn’t messing around, huh? :mindblown: Not just the largest cast Isolated has seen yet, but also a few different twists to kick off the season! So, let’s probe your brain some. I’ve got some questions.

1. First of all – Espionage! The theme of the season! One where our avid viewers will be influencing the game more than any before. What are your thoughts on the season’s main twist? As a refresher, our viewers will be selecting one house guest each round to be our spy! The spy gets a secret mission…but there’s always a risk involved. Worth it? Or nah?

2-Tell us about the housemates in your group! Who do you love? Who do you hate? Who are you indifferent about?

3-The first HOH competition asked you to choose which players in your group you did not want to have power. Walk us through your thought process! Were you working towards a specific goal? Did you make any deals? And are you happy with the outcome?

Re: Episode 01: Undercover Big Brother!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 2:43:23 pm
by Sheila
Ah sorry I will post an update in here tonight. I am trying to make sure I keep up with people enough, and so far am probably failing miserably.

Re: Episode 01: Undercover Big Brother!

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 12:19:04 am
by Sheila
1. First of all – Espionage! The theme of the season! One where our avid viewers will be influencing the game more than any before. What are your thoughts on the season’s main twist? As a refresher, our viewers will be selecting one house guest each round to be our spy! The spy gets a secret mission…but there’s always a risk involved. Worth it? Or nah?

My god, what did I sign up for? I'm really not worrying myself about the twist, James confessed to being the spy this round and that his mission was choosing Amanda for immunity. He clearly has a connection with me so if there's another aspect to it it won't be used against me.

2-Tell us about the housemates in your group! Who do you love? Who do you hate? Who are you indifferent about?

To be honest, the only people I love are James and Glyn. Everyone else I've spoken to is not coming off like a real person so idk, I'm going to see how things go with the full group before I get nervous about that.

Adam is a fucking mess lol.

3-The first HOH competition asked you to choose which players in your group you did not want to have power. Walk us through your thought process! Were you working towards a specific goal? Did you make any deals? And are you happy with the outcome?

It was fine, and yes, very happy with the outcome.

Re: Episode 01: Undercover Big Brother!

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 1:56:08 am
by Sheila
I bonded with Amanda too even if she's fucked up on something right now. her/me/James/Glyn will for something solid. I think a lot of the other people on this team are too desperate for me to trust.