By BB Alpha
This was a very eventful round with two people leaving! :unabused:

1. Last night, Sezer quit the game. How do you feel about those events?

2. Sheila was evicted in a unanimous vote tonight. Walk us through the vote.

3. Tonight's competition involved you assigning your fellow houseguests titles such as "Biggest Gossip." Did any of the answers for those questions surprise you? Did any of them that you did or didn't get upset you?

4. We're a little over a week away from the end of the game and still at 9 people. How do you see yourself making through this next hectic week?

5. Is there anyone who has been evicted that you wish was still here? Who and why? ​

BB Alpha

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By James
If Glyn is telling me the truth then I am extremely lucky. My struggle: how to make luck and happenstance sound like I deserve to win at top 3.


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By James
It’s not purely luck, I’m overstating that. I have put in a lot of work so that Glyn would marginally trust me more than Adam or Spiral or whatever other threats there are to him. It seems to have paid off in the end, if he doesn’t put me up. I told him about Huasitos (final 2 with sezer) to nail down our deal, since he was pressing me for more info. I think giving information about how close I was to departed cast members is all around a good strategy and one of the few things I’ve actually implemented from my pregame strategies that has worked haha. It doesn’t hurt that much but makes me seem honest and vulnerable and alone. Worst case is Jennie finds out that she wasn’t my only true final two? But sezer is gone at that point so it doesn’t really matter for her.

Still not sure how I handle veto, if I want to save Adam or not. It would burn the Glyn bond with me, but I need to think through if there’s a real way to eliminate Glyn and spiral without Adam. I should work on my bond with Susie in case Adam goes.


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By James
Assuming this is not an elaborate ruse to trick me as a back door... I feel like Glyn was sloppy here. If Adam comes off the block by winning veto and I don’t go up as a replacement, then he has given me Adam as a super powered weapon against him. Should have at least acted like Adam was a pawn or waited to tell him until right before veto or backdoored him. Instead I have plenty of time to build up Adam on my side and get in for from him. But we shall see.


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By James
Adam admitted to me he spilled everything to Glyn. I didn't freak out at him. I said I was keeping Sezer final 2 from him and understood. Definitely think Adam would trust me if he stays. But ideally he wins veto on his own and I can continue to play both sides. Again, this could all be an elaborate ruse by Adam and Glyn to get me on to not try in veto or something and then be backdoored, which would be a great move on their part! But I doubt it.


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By James
If Adam is leaving, I need to milk him for every ounce of info he has while he's desperate and before he goes. Starting with asking him about his spy missions.


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By James
And now we get juicy. Adam says Glyn and Amanda had a day one final 3. Makes sense. I would like some firmer confirmation to bring to jennie since she isn't going to trust Adam's word over amanda. I don't think they had a group chat, but maybe if he gave me the password or something I could expose them. a lot depends on veto. If Adam wins or i save him, then we can blow up Glyn and Amanda. if noms are the same and adam goes, then I play it cool with glyn and amanda and wait to expose them until after the next HOH. Or let Adam expose them on his own on his way out.


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By James
I figured Adam and Glyn had a final 2, and same with adam and amanda since Adam always talked about being close to amanda. But final 2s are easier to deny than final 3s and frankly I care about them less. It's easy to make a final 2 with anyone, hell jen and i have a final 2. Final 3s mean more people, harder to deny, and seem more like real "alliances." And the parallel of amanda and glyn having deals with me and jennie, me and sheila, adam, and presumably spiral and aisleyne should make it clear to someone like spiral and hopefully aisleyne that they aren't special to amanda and glyn. and that the two of them have to go. Just hoping Adam does all this exposing work for me hahaha.


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By James
In the meantime, I'll keep spouting the Cardashian company line until shit blows up.

Also Amanda is really playing dumb with me these days when it comes to strategy. Like she doesn't know is glyn's target is adam or susie right now because he hasn't told her. GIRL PLEASE, even Jen knows the fucking plan. You fucking know. I also don't even think it's beneficial for Amanda to lie to me. Like if we are really "Cardashians" again then I SHOULD feel like all four of us are communicating and juntos (shoutout Sezer). Amanda's lie tell is "shit" btw. It's how she reacts to bad news she just "learned."


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By James
Amanda and Glyn continuing to hard play this whole, we are not a duo thing. Getting kind of silly at this point. It's obvious you can chill. Adam told others about the final 3 too, which is good. Get that doubt flowing. From Glyn's nom speech:

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By James
Hoping Adam wins. Kind of doubt it, but it would be a dream scenario. Me not playing is ultimately probably good for me. I would have likely used it on Adam if I won because Adam's blowing up of the game hasn't taken root thus far. But that would have made me need to play a lot harder right away. Let's just hope Adam can back up his stories with enough hard evidence if he comes off the block.


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By James


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By James
Who is "we" Spiral? Don't give up that you're that tight with Glyn my dude haha:

people may try to backdoor him tomorrow
although i guess most people will be in veto anyway
down to 8!
yeah tonight we considered a backdoor but with him still likely to be in veto, it seemed too dangerous."


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By James
FInal 8, only jennie and I have not been on the block. Could come to an end tomorrow with me up next to adam but if Adam doesn't win veto I think he'd go over me. And if he wins hoh then i'm good.


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By James
I am waiting until after the double to make a bigger anti-Glynn/Amanda push for two reasons:

1) Adam still seems to trust Amanda like an idiot. That makes it harder for me to make a plan with him because he could tell her.
2) I don't want to become a huge target right before double when Adam's target is keeping me safe-ish. The longer round over the weekend can give me more time to work Jennie and/or Spiral/Aisleyne to convince them that they simply aren't the top of Glyn and Amanda's plans.

Final 3 kind of hurts me in making these pitches because, honestly, it doesn't really matter to Jennie that she is Glyn and Amanda's third wheel. She still would make top three! What I have to do is convince Jennie that she can't even be sure she's number three. How does she know it isn't Spiral or Ais or even Jen or me? Adam thought it was him until it wasn't. I will pretend I thought it was me (and can use Cardashians and Light Bulb as support) even though I never really thought I was top three and we never really made a final 3. It's still believable. Richard probably thought he was number three. I can try to convince her they did the same deal with everyone.

The only thing I will do before double regarding this, is maybe ask Jennie/Spiral/Ais if they believe Adam's story about the Glyn Amanda and Adam final 3. Just to feel them out. I am also going to keep encouraging Adam to "water the seeds of doubt he planted."


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By James
One more pre-double DR: It's a video one....AND IT'S MY LONG PROMISED GLYN IMPRESSION!

(It sort of became a doofenshmirtz impression, so hope y'all appreciate that)

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By James
As far as who I want to go tonight, it's tough....Glyn, Amanda, and Spiral are my biggest threats. BUT, I think my clearest path to the end is if those groups stay in the game, so I can convince people to fear Spiral or fear Amanda/Glyn as endgame threats. Aisleyne going would be solid for my game since she's never going to be good with me and it preserves those groups. I don't think me personally taking out Glyn is ideal for my game since that totally burns Jennie and Amanda and solidifies them with ais and Sprial. But if ADAM takes out Glyn, that could be an ideal scenario. Maybe I move up in Amanda's priority list to actually be near the top. But it's hard to imagine a scenario where Glyn is actually voted out. Maybe against Spiral.


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