By BB Alpha
Hello Housemates, this is Big Brother.

Welcome to Isolated Espionage. We're so excited to have the 20 of you to compete to be the winner. Surely, you must be worried about having to talk to 19 other people off the bat. We've decided to split you into 2 groups of 10 for the opening weekend. You may only message the 9 other people in your group. By the end of the weekend, one person from each group will be evicted and you will be able to message each other as normal. There will be one HoH for each group, two nominees, a veto, etc.

You may only message those in your group until Sunday at 8e/7c.

Groups are still being assigned but I will have them for you within 15 to 20 minutes. Do not message anyone until I have posted your groups but feel free to talk to one another here.

In each group, the viewers have chosen one of you to be a spy for this round based on your applications. This housguest has been issued a task that will impact tonight's Head of Household competition and the rest of the round. This will be part of our season's main twist.

Each round, the viewers will select one houseguest to be our spy for the round. They will be issued a secret mission to complete should they choose to accept. If the mission is completed successfully, the houseguest will be rewarded. The reward might be immunity, an advantage in a competition, or power. These tasks will become more and more difficult to complete successfully and might impact your position in the game. It's completely up to you whether or not it is worth the effort to complete them.

Before we go, Big Brother has one more announcement. Two of your fellow houseguests are not complete strangers to one another. In fact, they are engaged to be married. Congratulations to the happy couple. Who are they? That's for you to figure out. If they can evade detection and eviction until the final 15, they will be revealed and receive a round of safety. Both must still be in the game at the final 15.

Tonight's Head of Household competition will begin at 9e/8c and will be live. The spy's task and the result will be revealed then.

Thank you. Big Brother will get back to you.

BB Alpha

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By BB Alpha
Group A: Adam, Amanda, Glyn, James, Jennie, Renny, Richard, Ryan, Sezer, Sheila
Group B: Aisleyne, Chelsia, Grace, Jen, Natalie, Parker, Pete, Shahbaz, Spiral, Susie
You may now converse with those within your groups! I will be adding those in Group B to a new role with a purple color to distinguish the two of you.
Richard, Aurora, Loveita Adams and 3 others liked this

BB Alpha

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