-- 6th Place - Juror #6 --
By Loveita Adams
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Hey Houseguest, Loveita here again to probe your brain about the latest developments in the Isolated House! icon_popcorn

1. So you made it through another round, but once again, some unfortunate circumstances led to a no vote. While we all wish Pete and his family the best, how does his departure affect you from a game perspective?

2. Final 15, and we finally got that announcement you were all waiting for…news about the secret couple! Maybe not the news you were expecting, but you know that at LEAST one of the pair is out of the game. Were you relieved to hear that they didn't survive together? Disappointed? Any theories for us as to who both/one of them might have been? Are you thinking about ways you can use this information to your advantage?

3. Tonight’s HOH competition was Majority Rules. Did you learn anything from the questions that were asked or how people answered? Who are you hoping Spiral nominates for the block? Who are the allies you need to keep safe this round? Do you think you could be in danger?

And as always, houseguest, please feel free to update us on any developments that aren't addressed in these questions. :tea:

Loveita Adams

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By Jennie
1. Good question. I mean Pete was one of the people I didn't have a super strong connection with so gamewise I wasn't broken hearted about him leaving though I would have preferred Susie, obviously real life wise it sucks he had to leave how he did. I think the big thing is that his leaving wasn't able to make the cracks that I wanted by having that side turn on each other.

2. I am still waiting for my apologies from people on thinking it was me and Spiral. Honestly I'm not sure who the couple was. I don't think it was Nat which leaves Renny and Ryan, Grace or Pete. Honestly I feel like it was most likely Pete and someone or Renny and Ryan. And eh, I mean if I could know who the couple was then I could cause mistrust by showing people they were lying about a connection but as of right now I think it's just too risky to theorize on it unless I'm told outright. No point in burning bridges I don't have to especially since at least one of them is out of the game.

3. I mean it did show that there was a divide amongst Group A vs. Group B with how people answered. Also showed that I'm more friendly than Amanda at least in people's perceptions. But also, LOL at them wanting me to cheer them up while I'm constantly in confessional talking about how I hate every single one of them. I truly am a two-faced bitch.

The other thing I have to discuss is my alliance which AMANDA THEN LEAKED TO GLYN THAT SHE KNEW ABOUT. ANyways, I made an alliance of me, Parker, Aisleyne, Glyn, Richard and Spiral. That way there's 3 from each group so no one feels threatened that way. And it serves two purposes, first to hopefully help me keep on top of information and know if someone who I'm aligned with is a backdoor target etc. But primarily to keep me off the block. I mean I don't really anticipate this alliance never turning on each other and truly being loyal, I'm sure everyone else has their prime allegiances. BUT I think that it's going to make the people inside hesitant to put each other up which is what i need. Like if Parker wants to put me up, now he's going to piss off at least one other person in that alliance by doing so, and I can just run to the house chat and rat him out for betraying me. So if anything it's more of a deterrent as unless every single person in the alliance besides one is in on the plan to nom one of us, the person who turned on it is going to be labeled as the bad guy since alliance=illusion of safety. Also if it comes down to me or someone else idk about them but I'd rather nom the person who I don't have any official allegiances to.
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By Jennie
James has informed me that there is an alliance being created by Jen to "save Adam" that consists of James, Jen, Adam, Amanda and potentially Glyn and Aisleyne. Which is why he's my numero uno bc I don't recall any of my other pals offering this information up. Now I unlike CERTAIN PEOPLE am capable of keeping a secret so for now I'm not going to say anything but imma store that information in the back of my mind for when it could be useful. Also I'm just not in a talking mood rn so I'm ignoring everyone until after veto. Which is probably bad strategy but also I don't see them reaching out so it's whatever. Conversing with half of them is like pulling nails. Idk if that's even the expression but y'all know what I mean.


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By Jennie
You've got to be fucking kidding me with people suddenly wanting Shaz to stay. It's stupid and I'm angry. Also I know he had to have promised them something to get them to about face like that, Spiral did not want to put him up unless he was positive that he was going to go. So now I'm trying to be difficult until they let on what he told them. Or at least let on who is behind this. Like I'm also not going to be broken-hearted if Sheila goes but letting Shaz stay is a mistake. And the only reason I will do it is if everyone is also doing it and voting for Shaz is going to make me stick out. I'm so annoyed. Time for operation rile up Adam and Chelsia.


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