By BB Zeta
Hey Houseguests! I hope you’re settling in nicely. Big Brother isn’t messing around, huh? :mindblown: Not just the largest cast Isolated has seen yet, but also a few different twists to kick off the season! So, let’s probe your brain some. I’ve got some questions.

1. First of all – Espionage! The theme of the season! One where our avid viewers will be influencing the game more than any before. What are your thoughts on the season’s main twist? As a refresher, our viewers will be selecting one house guest each round to be our spy! The spy gets a secret mission…but there’s always a risk involved. Worth it? Or nah?

2-Tell us about the housemates in your group! Who do you love? Who do you hate? Who are you indifferent about?

3-The first HOH competition asked you to choose which players in your group you did not want to have power. Walk us through your thought process! Were you working towards a specific goal? Did you make any deals? And are you happy with the outcome?

BB Zeta