By Loveita Adams
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Hey Houseguest! I hope you’re settling in nicely. Big Brother isn’t messing around, huh? :mindblown: Not just the largest cast Isolated has seen yet, but also a few different twists to kick off the season! So, let’s probe your brain some. I’ve got some questions.

1. First of all – Espionage! The theme of the season! One where our avid viewers will be influencing the game more than any before. What are your thoughts on the season’s main twist? As a refresher, our viewers will be selecting one house guest each round to be our spy! The spy gets a secret mission…but there’s always a risk involved. Worth it? Or nah?

2-Tell us about the housemates in your group! Who do you love? Who do you hate? Who are you indifferent about?

3-The first HOH competition asked you to choose which players in your group you did not want to have power. Walk us through your thought process! Were you working towards a specific goal? Did you make any deals? And are you happy with the outcome?

4-BONUS! The viewers picked YOU to be the spy this round! Anything you want to say to your stans? How do you feel about making big decisions like this so early in the game?

5-BONUS! Speaking of big also won HOH! Immune for the first round and in a position of power. How do you plan on using your position in the first round? Any targets in mind?

Loveita Adams

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By James
Quick follow ups:

I had a good chat with Amanda when we were posting our DRs. I like her a lot more now, she seems genuine. Her me Glyn and Jennie all like The Circle so that's a good bond. Hoping that foursome can be the core.

I don't think Richard is Dean just because he's canadian. He used the term "rep" casually. And when I asked him about returning players he was like "oh yeah I saw they used some of those." still suspicious
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By James
Not sure who noticed but Dean and I had a moment. He's Dean btw, we don't have to act shocked any more he's a 26 year old Canadian gay history student.

So Nofo said I couldn't ask him if he was [insert rep]. So I had to be sneaky. I told him that I knew he was going to be a fan favorite and said it's February 14 and I want you to be my Valentine. Hoping he got the point that I know who he is. We have a good strategic rapport now. Hoping we can get some powers and cause some mayhem in this game. I think Dean appreciated the fan favorites teaming up strategy. Ironically, it could make you like BOTH of us less if you're like "fuck those deusche bros" but I'm willing to hope y'all will still love us and be here for whatever our alliance cooks up. And he was tight with Aaron who ended up winning the game, so it can't be that bad to be with Dean.

I think I trust him more than Glyn at this point. Glyn is getting faker by the hour. But still trusts me it seems.
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By BB Alpha
James, when you are ready, please make your nominations in this thread with reasoning for your decisions.

We're making an animated reveal of the nomination ceremony. Revealing key-by-key who is safe.

Please specify the order in which you'd like keys revealed as well as a speech stating why you nominated each person that will be revealed at the end of the ceremony.

This is due Saturday at 7c/8e. Good luck!

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By James
Ha, look at me with egg on my face and Dean liking my post. So is Richard playing as Dean? Is he Dean’s friend? How on earth would this game series produce two 26 year old Canadian history students? Still suspicious.


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By James
I will do a full diary room later tonight, but for now here are noms:

Key Order:
Richard (thanks for picking me as HOH)

I have chosen to nominate you Renny and you Ryan. Renny, our connection just wasn't there. You see, I understand things called "words" and you have made the interesting decision not to write any of them anywhere . I appreciate your bold strategy, but it's a no from me dawg. Ryan, you've made it a little further, you've learned how to post on the public boards. If you can take your next steps and click the big "chat" button on the bottom of the screen, maybe we can be friends. I mean, you guys had plenty of chances... And Adam is a Vikings fan! That's practically him begging me to nom him :crine:


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By James
Howdy Ho Lurkers!
I’ve owed you another full DR session so here is my final upload of my complete thoughts before we hit the “merge” tonight:

First off, here is your regular update on Steve Moses briefly responding to my Facebook messages and then immediately ghosting me:

Speaking of Steve, I used that bit of information in trying to establish a connection with Dean-chard. I feel like acknowledging that I know Steve is the type of revelation that seems like a big reveal but honestly shouldn’t have any impact on this game. So I’m hoping to continue to use that as currency, not all the time, but when I feel like it’s needed to build a bridge or some trust that isn’t otherwise coming through.

Moving on to the current state of the game:

My HOH and the upcoming merge:

I nominated the inactives, which may be a bit bland, but they’re likely both getting booted soon, and I couldn’t burn one of the other Group A numbers in addition to them. That would wreck our numbers going into the next stage of the game. Also, it allows our whole group to stay a united front going into the merge. If Group B doesn’t see an easy way to split us up, they may be the ones who split up (especially in light of the drama their nomination ceremony revealed). I feel like everyone I’ve spoken to in Group A is good on staying Group-A-strong. I wish we had a little more of a specific gameplan about who we want to reach out to in Group B (susie? Shahbaz? Grace and jen?) But hopefully we can find a way to share info and develop a more specific plan on the fly.

  • *Huasos: This one is for me Sezer and Glyn. I had googled huasos ahead of time and thought it would be a good name, but wanted Sezer to think of it himself so I recommended gauchos knowing that was actually not the term used in Chile :hattip: Sezer seems to trust Glyn and I so this is a good place for us to communicate. I don't view this as the core alliance pushing strategy, but also I think this could be an under the radar thing that maybe lasts longer into the game? who knows. Also wouldn't be shocked if Glyn has already blown this up to Amanda or someone else.

    *Cardashians: Everyone on here watches The Circle, that seemed like a pretty good bet going into the game which is why my first post on move-in night was the ALERT gif. Glyn, Jennie, Amanda, and I all watch (so do Richard and Sheila) so we have bonded over that. I think it was key to lock in a core alliance with women since Group B is majority women and we could use their help getting in on that. I do think this alliance will be the core of strategizing in the early game, since myself Glyn and Amanda seem to be the most connected players on our side

    *Adam's thing: I LOOOOOVE that Adam sent this, I kept wanting a larger alliance and Glyn kept (kindly) shooting me down. So glad that Adam just went and fucking did it. I think Sheila, Sezer, and Adam are in this, and it keeps them from getting too suspicious about being left out of any alliances.

Dean-chard: So I don't know what the fuck is going on with this dude... He has the same biography as Dean, then Dean likes my post. So either the hosts/lurkers are fucking with me (still love you though, keep me on my toes!) or this person is playing as Dean? Or is Dean's friend? Regardless, they have SOME connection to past seasons which is enough for me to view them as a threat. I made an alliance with him basically saying let's keep the fan favorites around and keep power. And we can talk strategy. I think we're both wary of each other, but he did mention locking something official in with me and Glyn as a possibility. Also if he's truly Dean I don't see him trying to win comps any time soon, so don't have to worry much about what will happen if he wins HOH. If he's really Dean, he's probably making a photo shop of him like riding a chariot and I'm the horse in front or something. Fine to have him choose to hide behind me for now.

Glyn: Still thinking he's playing all sides. Also think he's probably a vet but going to keep my specific guess to myself for now, in case that person also pops up and likes this post. I do think it makes sense to work with him on big picture strategy since he is in all my alliances and has as good, if not better, connections than me. Really tries to go deep with people and meet them, open and honest about his background. Goal in the mid game with him would be to elevate his threat level above mine. Try to get him to be HOH where he has to burn somebody and break one of his many ties.

Amanda: Really digging Amanda, we seem to be on the same page strategically. She opened up to me personally which I need to do to her at some point. Didn't feel like it was right to do that to her Friday night when she told me about her friend dying. Didn't want to be like "well I fake got divorced!" Since my story is bullshit and she's had something real that had to be terrible. I still want to bring up my story at some point, but don't want to manipulate her or equivocate her real pain with my fake story. So I'll see if I can walk that fine line. I do not think she's a vet.

Jennie: In my core group. I'd say we have more of a social bond for now than a strategic one, but also haven't had to do too much strategizing. She's a pharmacist, which my dad was before so I actually could talk with her about it. I think she's a vet, since she just seems unfazed by it all, but possibly not a Stranded vet, just an ORG vet.

Sezer: Need to check in with him tonight for sure. We have a good person to person bond but I want him to really believe we are strategizing together and not ghost him on that. He could (legitimately) think I'm closer to Amanda and Glyn at this point, so want to walk him back from that. Maybe he can find a fourth Huaso in Group B and bring them into the fold that way?

Adam: Talked about him in his alliance above, but I like him. Glyn keeps saying he has more depth, which means Glyn wanted me to get closer to Adam. But whatever I did, it worked enough to get in Adam's jumbo alliance. Hope he keeps up the posting rate to make himself a target.

Sheila: LOOOOOOOVE Sheila. She may be a guy? Not sure. But love her. I've been thinking about making a final 2 with her. Would love to do a final 3 with her but I need something without Glyn and I think a 3 with her and someone that isn't Glyn could make it back to Glyn. Not sure when the right time is, but I'll make a move at some point. I think now that we should both be in the Adam group, that could reassure her that we are all on the same Group A page. She is getting close to Glyn at least, although she told me she was closest to me. Again, she likely told that to other people, but if she's telling it to me, I'm at least one of her top people (even if it's one among 2 or 3).

Finally...Group B
what a bunch of weirdos. I've noticed Parker and Natalie in the Lemonaid Stand room together so that's a thing (side note: am I the only one who realizes we can see how many people are in the chat rooms? we need to be discrete about popping in and out especially when it's not a time everyone is online so we can hide amongst numbers). I'm going to reach out to Susie right off the bat to try to do a let's look out for each other thing since neither of us will be HOH next week. I'd love to have Sezer reach out to some of the people on their bottom and try to suss them out. We shall see!

Crazy James :zany: :crown:
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By James
Getting a little worried about my positioning going into next week. The group A together thing is solid if group a wins, but if we lose I need to not be seen as head of the snake. Connecting with Parker will help on that. But I really need to get with Susie and whoever her crew is to get heat off my back. Maybe make it seem like shahbaz was going to stay and I got him booted


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By James
Sent Susie a PM warning her that people are looking to keep Shahbaz.. Which was true early last night but by now is false. Hoping it makes her nervous about other Group A more than me.... Am I being messy? Maybe. Overplaying? Probably. I think I just got really spooked by that POV comp where Sheila and Richard completely demolished even my 9 minute actual time. Makes it set in that I can't rely on winning POVs to save myself as a big target and need to STAY OFF THE BLOCK.
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