By BB Alpha
Power of Veto #13 - Match Game

Overview: There is a password protected forum at the top of the 'Backyard' forum titled 'Match Game'. The first person to reply to the thread within it wins the Power of Veto. The password keeping you from the Power of Veto is a 4 digit combination. You will use the link posted in the challenge thread to find each number in the code.

In the link you will see a series of tiles with lines through them. Behind each tile is a corresponding image of a number. Hidden in this puzzle are the numbers you seek.

As you'll notice, most tiles will be repeated. You're looking for four tiles that are unique. Once you've found all of the unpaired tiles and know their corresponding number, you will have the four digits to the combination. What order they're in, you'll have to test and find out.

The password will be in number form like this: 1234

• This is an individual challenge and any collaborations will result in a DQ

The board will appear shortly.

BB Alpha

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By Parker
BB Alpha wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 8:03:48 pm Okay, does everyone see the password protected board at the top of the backyard?
@Big Brother Is there any significance to why the tiles have a line through them? I'm just confused as to why it was pointed out. No need to answer if it ruins the integrity of the comp.


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By BB Delta
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Parker wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 8:06:02 pm
BB Alpha wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 8:03:48 pm Okay, does everyone see the password protected board at the top of the backyard?
@Big Brother Is there any significance to why the tiles have a line through them? I'm just confused as to why it was pointed out. No need to answer if it ruins the integrity of the comp.
You're matching up tiles that have a duplicate. 4 tiles are unique. The designs on the tiles are lines.

BB Delta

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