By BB Theta
Group Custom Custom Group Custom Group Group
:clap: :beer: You did it!! :party: :confetti:

Congratulations on making it past the First eviCtion! Even If it was just us taking out the trash. :pop:

From here on out, the game will only ramp up mOre and more! The double nomination set leD us to our merge. Only 18 housegUests remain and the paRty is as big as ever! Now that we've had our first round, let's chat and sEe where your heads are at. The viewers are dying to know everything about you!

1. You now Get to talk to evEryone from the other group. What do you think of thoSe houseguesTs that you weren't able to talk to before? WHo do you like? What do you think their dynaMics were like? How do you thInk it'll impact your game going forward?

2. In a surprise turn of events, we have lost both Renny and Ryan, while Spiral and Shahbaz were spared. How do you feel about losing Renny and Ryan? How do you feel unexpectedly having both Spiral and Shabaz around will change the game?

3. Big Brother is a social game, who do you find yourself closest to? Who don't you trust? Who do you want to get to know more? We love to hear your thoughts on the rest of the houseguests, please tell us everything!

4. We have spies, we have love, and we have liars in the house, who do you find most threatening to you and why?

5. How do you feel about your performance in the Head of Household challenge? Do you think you held your own? What was your strategy going into it?

BB Theta

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By Amanda
1. I am not a fan of this merge. Group A is going into this down in numbers already which isn't good. 8 v 10.
I think they have a huge alliance on their side, based off of conversations I've tried to have.
I think Susie, Parker, Peter, Chelsia, Aisleynne, Natalie, and possibly Jen are working together from Group B.

2. It definitely changed with Shahbaz staying. He was toxic and I didn't exactly tell him he was safe. I actually didn't reply to him until I saw where he was staying. I think this worked to Group A's advantage going into the next HOH. We know Group B wants Grace and Shahbaz out.

3. I think I am the closest to Glyn, Richard, Sheila, Jennie, James, pretty much all of Group A.

I tried to get close with Aisleyne but she's lying to me.
Parker and Peter have also both lied to me. All 3 of them say there is no alliance with Group B. I heard Parker told Richard that he was closest to Spiral, which I call BS on. I clearly now know that Spiral is the next on the bottom for group B. I've been making a relationship with Spiral and I feel that I could possibly bring him to my side.

4. My biggest threats are Susie and Parker, They are definitely the head of the snake. I don't feel that Pete has that many connections with group A at all.

5. Well Chelsia was on fire with 0 ping, she literally answered a question in 16 seconds. My strategy was to use the least amount of words to get what I needed in the google search bar. But Chelsia just killed it.


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