By Loveita Adams
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Hey Houseguest, Loveita here again to probe your brain about the latest developments in the Isolated House! icon_popcorn

1. So you made it through another round, but once again, some unfortunate circumstances led to a no vote. While we all wish Pete and his family the best, how does his departure affect you from a game perspective?

2. Final 15, and we finally got that announcement you were all waiting for…news about the secret couple! Maybe not the news you were expecting, but you know that at LEAST one of the pair is out of the game. Were you relieved to hear that they didn't survive together? Disappointed? Any theories for us as to who both/one of them might have been? Are you thinking about ways you can use this information to your advantage?

3. Tonight’s HOH competition was Majority Rules. And you won!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Did you learn anything from the questions that were asked or how people answered? Did you want to win? How do you think this will affect your short and long term plans?

And as always, houseguest, please feel free to update us on any developments that aren't addressed in these questions. :tea:

Loveita Adams

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By Loveita Adams
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In Addition!!!!

Spiral, when you are ready, please make your nominations in this thread with reasoning for your decisions. You may not nominate Amanda.

We're making an animated reveal of the nomination ceremony. Revealing key-by-key who is safe.

Please specify the order in which you'd like keys revealed as well as a speech stating why you nominated each person that will be revealed at the end of the ceremony.

This is due tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8e/7c. Good luck!

Loveita Adams

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By Spiral
So I'll answer the questions in this first post, and my hoh stuff in the second. Also if my reply is a bit short, its cause I already typed my whole answer up and then dropped my wifi connection when I hit submit. my own fault though 😂

1. My heart goes out to Pete on a personal level but gameplay wise, him and susie are interchangeable to me. I knew neither had much interest in going after me, and I was on friendly terms with both.

2. The whole couple thing didn't really bother me that much. Since we had no way of knowing other than wild accusations, I didn't want to throw random people under a bus for nothing, though I did entertain the topic with other houseguests just to keep conversations flowing. Now that its revealed one or both is gone, I don't think the twist will affect anything. Whether one Half of the couple is left or not is irrelevant since it gives them no visible advantage. Any of the evicted houseguests could've been involved, maybe it was both. Maybe it was Renny and Ryan 😂. Whatever happened, unless it was Natalie, due to the other 4 walking or being disqualified, I don't think any potential remaining partner will be seeking revenge.

3. First off, thank you for the congratulations! It's exciting to win but a big responsibility too. Going into this comp, me, Parker, aisleyne, and Chelsia all knew it was in our best interest to win, though maybe not chelsia because of shabaz's power. As for the questions, they were mostly just in fun, so I don't think any real info was revealed, but it was a fun bonding experience. It was easy enough to guess the answers, I knew more people would cry on Jennie's shoulder over Amanda just cause of their displayed personalities so far. I also had a decent idea how my other 3 alliance members would answer so I tried to keep in their heads even though we couldn't communicate during the comp.

As for what winning means for me, it gives me a second comp win, which Is a bit scary, but gives me leverage if I sit in front of the jury. The power of winning hoh gives me the power to back up my relationships I've formed with people and conversations I have had by backing them up with actions. If I keep my word to people and have their backs, then in return they may very well do the same and see me as the trustworthy ally I am :)

if there are any updates on other developments, ill make sure to make a post telling y'all!


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By Spiral
Welcome to Spiral's nomination ceremony. It is my duty as Head of Household to choose two people for nomination. I will pull out the first key and that person is safe. They will then reveal the next key and so on.

The first person safe (and so on) is:
1. Parker
2. Richard
3. Amanda
4. Jennie
5. Jen
6. Aisleyne
7. James
8. Chelsia
9. Glyn
10. Sezer
11. Shahbaz
12. Susie

Adam and Sheila, I have chosen to nominate you for eviction this week. I want you both to understand this decision was not made lightly, and I truly do respect both of you a hell of a lot. Over the time in this game, however, I feel the two of you I have spoken with the least out of everyone. Spiral will always have mad respect for both of you and I hope y'all know I have no real vendetta against y'all two or anyone here. I wish you both good luck in the power of veto competition. This nomination ceremony is adjourned.


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By Spiral
Tonight is gonna be a little crazy. Trying to save shahbaz after some questionable decisions on our part is gonna be risky, but possible. He may have been the perfect pawn to put up, surprisingly.


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