-- 6th Place - Juror #6 --
By Loveita Adams
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Hey Houseguest! I hope you’re settling in nicely. Big Brother isn’t messing around, huh? :mindblown: Not just the largest cast Isolated has seen yet, but also a few different twists to kick off the season! So, let’s probe your brain some. I’ve got some questions.

1. First of all – Espionage! The theme of the season! One where our avid viewers will be influencing the game more than any before. What are your thoughts on the season’s main twist? As a refresher, our viewers will be selecting one house guest each round to be our spy! The spy gets a secret mission…but there’s always a risk involved. Worth it? Or nah?

2-Tell us about the housemates in your group! Who do you love? Who do you hate? Who are you indifferent about?

3-The first HOH competition asked you to choose which players in your group you did not want to have power. Walk us through your thought process! Were you working towards a specific goal? Did you make any deals? And are you happy with the outcome?

Loveita Adams

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By Jennie

1. I do think the spy twist is interesting for sure. For me a lot will depend on the risk vs. reward ratio. Actually, that reminds me I should talk with James on what his mission was to get a better idea of what it might look like.

2. Ok so: I like James and Sezer. Richard is maybe climbing up there, we'll see. I'm eh on Amanda, Sheila and Glyn but at this point it's probably best for me to try and work with Amanda/Glyn at least. Actually imma rant on Glyn later. For people I don't really like it's Adam. And I guess Renny and Ryan who haven't shown up yet but. Yeah, he's very aggressive in how he plays and I'm just not a fan of his tbh.

3. My goal was to not ruffle any feathers. I did want to be somewhere near the end so at least I knew people liked me enough for me to not be an easy beginning pick but I really didn't want to win HoH especially since everyone was going to put up the same people anyways. I think the only deal I made was when I told Sezer I wouldn't put him up and I guess it was implied I wouldn't knock out James/Glyn but nah I was just kind of chilling right off the bat. No need to put an unnecessary target on myself. I want people to view me as a number. And fun to talk to.

But this brings me to Glyn. I think he's full of it. If you're telling people you "like their vibe" and want to work with them after they send you 1 FUCKING MESSAGE then personally, I feel like that's a sign he's doing that with everyone. Yet somehow no one else has commented on it? They're all like "yeah I vibe with Glyn" and I'm like "yes, we love Glyn so much". I don't. He's looking out for himself and I only want him in so long as he's useful to me. Except I can't really do anything about it rn because I don't want to piss people off. So imma bide my time and maybe start planting seeds once we meet the rest of the houseguests.


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By Jennie
Dinner time update bc apparently these people actually have lives and I've just been hanging out by myself all day. Anyways. Richard's been on probs the most out of everyone today and not going to lie he's moving up my "people I like" rankings. Mostly because he's been like the only one I've had a real conversation with today. But yeah, I'm just chilling. Making friends. Being an angel. The usual.


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By Jennie
James has me screaming right now. I don't know where this energy was last night but I just...I have no idea what's happening lmao. He's like "yeah I'm weirdly attracted to your picture" and I was like "Yeah Jennie's hot" and now he's talking about how Jennie is non-traditional hot and I also give off that vibe? Because I read books and go to school in Albany?? I'm so fucking lost as to what is going on. Like what goes through someone's mind that they think "yes. This. This is the best thing I could say to Jennie right now. Perfectly normal thing to say to someone I've known for 1 day and have only spoken under text in which we are also playing under an alias". I-

WAIT ISN'T HE LIKE 30!?!?! Also for all he knows I could be a man??? Good lord, I see why the specs like him lol


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By Jennie
Ryan is killing me right now. He came on earlier and I messaged him but he didn't respond and hopped off. He came back on for like a second a few minutes ago and again just hopped off. I can't tell if he just doesn't know how to work the forums or what.

Also I thought I accomplished my goal but apparently I just add "likes" to my writing without even realizing it.


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By Jennie
New day, new Jennie confessional. Last night Amanda came to me with a final 2 deal. Which honestly I didn't really want to make because I don't want to be tied to someone like that so early but, it's not like I really had a choice? What was I supposed to say..."Yeah thanks for the offer but no thanks I don't really want to commit to that"? So yeah, here I am with my final 2. The way I'm viewing it is so long as she's loyal to me then we're fine. If she goes behind my back then there's my free pass to go behind hers. I mean I do like her, I just don't like commitment. For now it's chill though, especially since we're working with the same group and I don't think either of us are the main targets there. She wants to name it though and I am absolute shit at everything and anything creative sooo we'll see how that goes. I was hoping she'd come up with a name herself and get me off the hook lol.

Other than that just vibing pretty much. Looks like Ryan/Renny are going to be easy boots so I'm not too overly concerned right now. I think what'll help me in the long run is that I've been probably one of the more active people on this side of the split right off the bat bc what else am I supposed to do with my day, which helps me get in more conversations. So hopefully people like me and view me as a good ally. I have like no complaining to do right now either so idk what to do with myself.


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By Jennie
Yeah so group B is a complete and utter mess and I love it. Takes targets off of me and opens up space for me to sneak in over there. So far my assessment is that Aiselynne or however you spell her name is boring, Pete's playing too hard. Grace idk, Susie isn't long for this game, Shaz is pretty much gone, Parker is chill. I do really like Spiral and Chelsia I think. That's subject to change though. Right now the goal is to just talk with people a bit and get myself established as nice or fun or whatever positive adjective you want to insert there.


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By Jennie
I've just realized that if the others are getting information they're keeping their mouths shut. If they're not getting information then I need to start keeping my mouth shut before they start thinking I'm a social threat. But idk I think they're just not sharing what information they're getting bc everyone so far has been fine talking about it. You just have to bring it up.


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By Jennie
Alright I have thoughts: Firstly I really like Spiral and I feel better about people keeping him in now, I was nervous for a bit that they'd vote him out. I know people picked up on a lot of people have pharmacy field backgrounds so I'm trying to spin it like I can use that to bond with people and bring them in. People seem split on Parker because he lied to Amanda which is sketch HOWEVER, I feel like they're forgetting that we've only known him for a few hours and he's trying to protect someone. So my strategy with him is to just be buddies and try and get him to trust me organically.

The other topic is Shaz. Like I do feel really bad for him and the guy's been through a lot but it feels like he's being purposefully antagonistic. And idk I mean I'll talk with him a bit more tomorrow but he rattled me a bit with how personal he got so fast. So idk, him being all over the place paired with it being Spiral who's going to go if he stays pretty much solidifies for me what I'm going to do.

Yeah that's all for now I think. I'm just tryna get along with everyone. I don't even have anything snarky to say rn I don't think. I apologize for being boring. I'll have that fixed tomorrow.
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By Jennie
My alliance (and by my alliance I mean Amanda) is really pushing for a Parker nom. Except I like Parker. And I don't think he should go next at all. So I'm just kind of chilling and trying to not say anything incriminating. But honestly, I don't even know if Parker would leave if he went up, it would depend on who he's with. So operation befriend Parker so I don't get nominated for revenge is in action. Idk they also want to backdoor him which would rely on winning veto so I'm not doing anything quite yet but I think if people start seriously going for Parker imma step in. Or not, we'll see. They keep wanting to vote out the people that I like. Which quite frankly is rude. I do have to watch myself though because I'm definitely getting the vibe that if I were to ever do anything to cross them they'd be out for blood. So just gotta get all my ducks in a row before I try something.


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