-- 6th Place - Juror #6 --
By BB Delta
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Wow! What a whirlwind two days. :dizzy:

CONGRATS ON JURY!!! :pop: :party: You have made it to the final stage of this game. From here on out, everything counts, and the people you vote out will need to be impressed by your game in order for you to win.

1. Chelsia and Shahbaz are evicted back to back with a Prisoner's Dilemma in the mix. Were you shocked by some players' answers in the Prisoner's Dilemma? What was your reaction to seeing two large targets in Shahbaz and Chelsia go in one night? Was this the ideal outcome for you?

2. Tonight was a full day of events with HoH through Eviction in one night. Were you pleased to see James win Head of Household?

3. What was your reaction to the initial nominations of Richard and Susie? When Adam won Veto, what was your reaction to his decision to veto Susie, and were you shocked by James's Renomination of Glyn?

4. How do the past day's events change the game, and are you beginning to look at things beyond the surface level? As an individual game, are you playing the best to make the end and win, or are you playing to what the house wants?

5. Finally, with the jury beginning, how can you set yourself apart from your competitors in order to win? The house is dramatically shrinking in size, there is no longer any place to hide. Who do you see as your biggest threats, and who is sneaking under the radar, potentially taking up space in the endgame? ​

BB Delta

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By Jennie
1. Honestly not really, everything was pretty much how I expected with the exception of the charity one between Sheila and I think Jen? I just didn't really know either of them so didn't really have an idea how that one would turn up. And yeah it was my idea outcome. I like keeping some threats around but it was getting to the point where there were too many. Chelsia had to go or she would keep winning comps. And Shaz I just didn't like.

2. WELL initially I WAS. And then he pulled his bullshit with Richard and Glyn.

3. So initally I was like "yikes sucks for Richard" but you know he was staying. I lost it when he then renommed Glyn. Like...it was just so not thought through and all around messy. He should have at least discussed with him prior or put up someone else from group B. Put up Parker or Spiral. Or Aisleyne for gods sake, they weren't going to go over Richard. Instead he alienated so many people by blindsiding like everyone.

4. I actually have begun to think on my strategy and appropriate changes. I cannot keep getting angry and wanting to stop working with people because they piss me off. So Amanda has been forgiven. James, I took a step back to look at rationally. And although I'm going to make nice and whatever, I really am done working with him for the most part. If I have to work with him for a move then fine, but the fact of the matter is he still didn't trust me enough to bring up the fact that he even wanted Richard gone. If it were just the noms he did or just wanting Richard I think it would have been better but I got blindsided on every single level of that and he was one of my top trusted people. So imma keep him closeish but I don't trust him. Also right now he's a decent shield so there's that. Honestly right now I'm pretty much playing with the house. I'll deviate when I feel it's necessary but right now, even if the targets who are being thrown out there aren't good for my game, everyone who's been up and left have been what I thought was best. So there hasn't really been a need to go causing issues with everyone quite yet, though I anticipate it coming soon.

5. Right now I think James and Parker are the biggest threats. However I don't see either of them making it to the end. I'd say Aisleyne, Amanda and Jen are the most likely to slip in there. Sezer and Sheila seem the least connected and most likely to go out when they're up against someone people like more because people view them as taking up a spot in the endgame. The pair I do want separated though are Susie and Adam. I'm just not on that great terms with either of them and I think they need to be nommed together so that even if one wins immunity they can't just take the other down. So needless to say that is my plan if I win HoH . Whcih I know I won't because I struggled hard with that comp. But one day.


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By Jennie
Alright I figure it's time for an update. So Parker vs. Aisleyne is not what I wanted but Adam seems to want an alliance with him, Jen, Susie, Ais and then me...idk why I'm included in that tbh I think it had to do with Jen calling for it but me joining that alliance is stupid considering that's two strong duos who don't want to turn on each other. So I'm just pretending with them for now. So based on that I want Parker to stay, I also feel I have a stronger bond with Parker and he's more likely to save me should I be on the block than Ais.

Idk there's a lot going on with veto but if I were to happen to win it I'd probably take down Parker. Right now lines are being drawn and I want to be on the side of Parker, Spiral, James and Amanda rather than Susie and Adam. I feel I have more protection on that side in terms of threats people would target over me. Plus if my targets really are Susie and Adam it'd be stupid to be on their side and unprotected once I turn on them.

The issue right now though is finding the votes to keep Parker. From what I gather he has me, James, Amanda and Spiral but we need one more. But yeah that's where I'm at right now.

The other stupid thing is Adam claiming he "tested" other people. Like bruh, you're going to tell multiple people that you think I should be put up as a pawn? Then not tell me and expect none of them to tell me as well? And then when I asked him how he felt about pawns because I wasn't about to rat them out goes "Oh did you happen to hear if I was putting you up? I wanted to test my sources". Which is idiotic on so many levels. 1. He's a liar because why the fuck wouldn't he tell me first if he was testing people. 2. Why the actual hell are you going to admit to me you're testing people to see if they'll give me information, then seem pleased when they don't. And then not give names. Why the actual fuck would that make me want to work with you?? Anyways I dislike him and it just solidified to me that I want him to leave.
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By Jennie
Oh yeah Jen decided to add James to the alliance in the event that Ais leaves. Pretty sure I'm aligned with everyone in the house right now except for Adam and Susie so this is fun, definitely never going to backfire on me ever.


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