By BB Alpha
Power of Veto #10 - Spot The Difference

Overview: You will be given 2 photos one on top of the other. It is your job to spot the differences in the two photographs. There will be five differences in each photo. You should circle the differences on the bottom photograph using an image editor of your choice.

The first person to post the circled difference in their confessional wins the Power of Veto. You have five minutes to circle as many as you can spot, the first person to post all five differences will win. If no one spots all five, the person who circles the most the fastest will win.

• You must not discuss any aspect of this challenge with other contestants
• You must clearly circle the specific difference you see (don't just circle an entire area)
• You will post your submission in your Diary Room.
Players: Aisleyne, James, Spiral,

Check in. You have until 9:35. I will then roll for spots and post the competition.

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BB Alpha

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By BB Alpha
Only two people posted a solution in time and only one of them was an actual image I could view.

Jennie found three of the differences.
Spoiler: show
Jennie wins Power of Veto!


Jennie, you have until 10:00:00 to post your decision in the Veto Ceremony thread.
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BB Alpha

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