-- 7th Place - Juror #5 --
By BB Theta
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:bomb: The Final Week has started off with a bang! :bomb:

So much to cover, and just never enough time!

Let's start with the Battle Back!

1. Parker has returned to the game, what does that mean for you? Where does Parker fit into your plans? Does he fit in at all?

2. Jennie won HOH and Veto leaving her nominations of Adam and James on the block. In the end Adam was the one taken out tonight. How does Adam's eviction impact you? Are you glad to see him go? Or was this a blow to your game? Feel free to elaborate as much as you want. Big Brother is here to listen. icon_popcorn

3. Zingbot came to visit the house tonight! How did you feel about what Zingbot had to say about you and your fellow Houseguests? :curious:

4. With Spiral as the new HOH, what does that mean for you? What is your plan for surviving this round and the future that comes with it?

5. Last question, you're in the last stretch of the game, how do you feel about your chances of making it to the end and winning? Who or what is standing in your way and how do you plan on overcoming that?

Good luck! Stay strong! It's going to be a tough final week! icon_mml

BB Theta

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By Jen
Zingbot had it dead-on, with what I was trying to portray. Coming in as a couple, I wanted to be flirtatious, but having that not worked out 🤷🏼‍♀️ worked out well any way.

I 2,999% would still be there had I not given up. Period.


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By Jen
I’m voting for my only remaining flirtmance LOL...

I want James to win.

So I vote for James.

And I demand our date afterwards.


  • Jury
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